What do you call an astronaut’s cavity? A black hole. Aside from a bit of awful dentist humor, cavities can be serious matters. We see a lot of adult and pediatric patients with cavities each day, and according to the National Institute of Dental...
Read MoreQ&A About Wisdom Teeth from a Dentist
For many people, the thought of having their wisdom teeth removed sounds only slightly preferable to medieval torture. But the truth is, this vital procedure is an important way to prevent infections, cysts, tooth crowding, and damage to nearby...
Read MoreGum Disease
Chances are that you or a family member have some stage of gum (periodontal) disease. Relax. While many adults do develop some degree of periodontal disease as part of the aging process, there are some steps you can take to prevent periodontal...
Read MoreOral Cancer
Oral cancer is not a pleasant subject, but one that we would like to discuss with you. You see, almost 30,000 new cases of oral cancer will occur this year and about one-third that number will die from the disease. Remember, mouth cancer is...
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